I’m looking for people who like to play everyday to every 3 days. Active members attend alliance events and help all members grow. We are part of NAP = (NAP (No attack pact) VIP / FLS / RED / ARM / 420 / H.R / RUS / OLL / TTT / 001 / NDN / 24K / OLO . This is a list of alliances that will not attack you. Our heavy hitters help everyone join zombie lairs with 1, so you reap the benefits without having to pay to heal your troops and can upgrade your heros for basically free. Gifter level is 7, plenty of benefits. Open enrollment for someone at 20 million in might or more, and at 30 million in might, you will be upgraded in the alliance to a higher ranking. You can immediately quit your alliance and join RED. Please reach out with any questions! If you join my alliance from this post, please let me know in the alliance chat that you are here because of HelloNurse. Thanks! # #/HelloNurse89PAndS . .