Buying Looking for MAXED TH9 or Non-rushed 10

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by Bou, 6/9/14.

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  1. Bou

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    I have been playing several months now, this game is addicting but i'm impatient and i'd rather throw money at it then time. I recently screwed up and rushed my SOLID TH9 village to 10. I want to go back to being a strong solid TH9 or Jump to a solid TH10.

    Also, I bought a few through Middleman already and I will most likely sell/buy/trade til i get the one I absolutely like.

    Anyways i'm looking for a MAXED TH9 with at least LVL8 walls or higher plus heroes LVL 13
    or higher.

    I am a verified and have Paypal ready. MIDDLEMAN ONLY -no exceptions!

    Also my KIK is fob505 but i prefer questions here as others may benefit from the answers and I won't answer the same repeated questions.

    If you kik me please have all your necessary info ready like pictures and what your fair price is. Otherwise, how am i going to reasonable make an offer without knowing what you have.

    Also i have three 10's, two are sort of rushed and one is a nearly Maxed 9 with lvl 8walls (except for bombs, air bombs). I would consider trading ALL three for a solid TH10.
    #1 Bou, 6/9/14
    Last edited: 6/9/14
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  2. OP

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    I'm a cheap bastard so i'll purchase bottom dollar so if you're looking for baller money i'm the wrong guy.

    Almost forgot, you MUST be able to transfer everything including the "security questions" in IOS. Needs to be playable on both IOS and Android. I currently run all my accounts between both devices.
    #2 Bou, 6/9/14
    Last edited: 6/9/14
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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