Buying  Trading   Looking for legend items

Discussion in 'Growtopia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lowerlord, 8/29/17.

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  1. Lowerlord

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    I am looking to purchase any of the 5 Legen Items For $$$$, will be using middleman service! I will need proof of account ownership (includes in-game meetup). The account must be swapped to my email! I will not purchase anything over $400 (unless multiple legen items).

    Legen Drag account will be for $200
    Legen Wing account will be for $300
    Legen Title account will be for $400
    Legen Katana account will be for $300
    Legen Bot account will be for $200
    (Do not really want this)

    Any extra items on the account is greatly appreciated!

    Contact my gmail at [email protected]
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