Buying Looking For A XB1 Destiny Account To Buy

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by ML, 9/26/15.

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  1. ML

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    I'm looking for an account with the following listed bellow. If the account has this or near this or better. I'm willing to discuss a figure for purchase. Don't care if the stuff is no longer relevant in the game anymore. Want it anyway
    1. all or near all year one exotic weapons "Must have G-horn, Necrochasm, Mythoclast"
    2. all or near all year one exotics armor "for each class type on account"
    3. full set of weapons from VoG, CE, Prison of Elders, and Trials of Osiris.
    4. full set of armor "for each class type on account" from VoG, CE, Prison of Elders, and Trials of Osiris.
    5. All the ships, sparrows, emblems, shaders, etc. from VoG, CE, Prison of Elders, and Trials of Osiris.
    6. Murmur
    7. And all characters are level 36 or Above
    8. Account must work
    Em: [email protected]
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