Looking For A Middleman

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    We need a middleman for the trade between InsanerZ. He requests no noobs, someone who has high rep and that he and I can trust. You will be rewarded with..uh stuff,points carats, etc. Please respond fast.

    "no noobs"



    I'll do it if you want, I know you're not gonna trust me or w/e, but i'll do it cause I can't launch gem nor RF so I have nothing to do

    Well, he just scammed me. I'll make a thread.

    Rofl, sorry, sucks for you, scammers these days~

    I would've did it if I was on during the time you

    posted, but sorry that you got scammed still.

    I'll do it for free.

    Originally Posted by Spooted

    I'll do it for free.

    Too late to be early.

    I'll do it? o.o


    I have a decent amount of rep/feedback xD

    You guys are horrible people.

    What makes you say that?
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