Exchange Rates: Cashapp US to BTC $5 fee for anything under $50 10% fee for $50+ BTC to Cashapp US $5 fee for anything under $50 5% fee for $50+ Cashapp US to PayPal $5 fee for anything under $50 10% fee for $50+ PayPal to BTC $8 fee for anything under $50 12% fee for $50+ BTC to PayPal $8 fee for anything under $50 8% fee for $50+ PayPal to Cashapp US $5 fee for anything under $50 10% fee for $50+ (Any international fees involving PayPal will be covered by you.) TOS: - I will not send first. - Must be able to prove funds are from balance if asked to - Once BTC is purchased I will not refund - I can deny service for any reason Contact Info: Discord:Prada#0007