Hey guys, I'm playing this game for 3 years now. Today I decided to sell my account for like 300€ which is pretty much reasonable for its rarity etc.. You can check all these rare skins below the highlights are definately Championship Riven, RedBaron Corki and Zombie Brand.. I'm now going to the university which gives me no time to play League of Legend. The Account was never been banned or restricted for flaming. The Account has been reached Diamond in Season 3 which gave him some exclusives such as: Victorious Season 3 Ward Skin. Ward Skins: -Season 3 Victorious Ward -Fist Bump Ward -2014 Victorious Ward With 3 Wings the highest on. There are also 16 Runes Pages that gives you the chance to creat a Rune Page for every single lane. There are 86 RP left and 10k EP.. You can easily buy the Champions which i didnt buy or play for 3k to change the Summoner name. PM me if you are interested so we can chat via Skype or something. pce..