LoL Account S2 Silv, S3 Gold, S4 Plat, 106 skins, all but 3 champs for GW2 Gold!

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    all champions except yorick, galio, lissandra

    Silver Season 2

    Gold Season 3

    Platinum Season 4 Solo Q

    Gold Season 4 3v3

    9 rune pages

    some unique & rare summoner icons - halloween 2012 etc

    gold loading screen trim


    dynasty ahri

    midnight ahri

    firefox ahri

    nurse akali

    blood moon akali

    unchained alistair

    hextech anivia

    red riding annie

    annie in wonderland

    frostfire annie

    woad ashe

    amethys ashe

    heartseeker ashe

    sheriff caitlyn

    arctic warfare caitlyn

    jade fang cassiopeia

    lord darius

    Bioforge darius

    soulreaver draven

    victorius elise

    shadow evelynn

    pulsefire ezreal

    fisherman fizz

    spooky gangplank

    dreadknight garen

    vandal gragas

    mafia graves

    nightblade irelia

    aviator arelia

    infiltrator irelia

    frostblade irelia

    hextech janna

    dragonslayer jarvan

    darkforge jarvan

    the mighty jax

    traditional karma

    pentakill karthus

    mercenary katarina

    high command katarina

    judgement kayle

    karate kennen

    arctic ops kennen

    mecha khazix

    prestigious leblanc

    traditional lee sin

    valkyrie leona

    iron solari leona

    hired gun lucian

    wicked lulu

    dragon tamer lulu

    sorcress lux

    imperial lux

    vizier malzahar

    chosen master yi

    headhunter master yi

    mafia miss fortune

    sinful succulence morgana

    blackthorn morgana

    dreadknight nasus

    french maid nidalee

    bewitching nidalee

    void nocturne

    eternum nocturne

    forsaken olaf


    battle regalia poppy

    redeemed riven

    crimson elite riven

    battle bunny riven

    traditional sejuani

    frozen shen

    blood moon shen

    ironscale shyvana

    boneclaw shyvana

    bandit sivir

    earthrune skarner

    guqin sona

    arcade sona

    northern front swain

    tyrant swain

    dragonblade talon

    armor of the fifth age taric

    recon teemo

    riot girl tristana

    firefighter tristana

    rocket girl tristana

    traditional trundle

    king tryndamere

    tango twisted fate

    primal udyr

    black belt udyr

    aristocrat vayne

    dragonslayer vayne

    heartseeker vayne

    northern storm volibear

    blood lord vladimir

    jade dragon wukon

    battlecast xerath

    imperial xin zhao

    winged hussar xin zhao

    snow day ziggs


    +0.91 armor x9

    +1.3 armor pen x9

    +0.95 physical damage x9

    +1.7% attack speed x9

    +0.87 Magic Pen x9

    +0.26 Mana Rege / 5

    +21 mana at level 18 x1

    +0.71 armor x1


    +0.59 ability power x9

    +1.0 armor x9

    +0.41 mana regen/ 5 x9

    +1.2 mana regen at level 18 x1


    +0.28 physical damage x1

    +2.7 health x5

    +1.3 magic resist x9

    -1.67 cooldowns at level 18 x9

    +3.0 magic resist at level 18 x9

    +1.2 mana regen/ 5 at level 18 x1

    +0.19 mana regen/ 5 x1


    +5.0 ability power x3

    +2.6 armor pen x3

    +2.3 physical damage x3

    +1.0 gold per 10 x3

    +26 health x3

    +1.5% lifesteal bonus x3

    +4.5 physical damage at level 18 x3

    Drop me a PM if interested and we'll discuss skype & price., I will only accept guild wars 2 gold for this, or a legendary if you have one. Well worth it for what you'll be buying.

    skype: vistekis








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