I would like to trade my League of Legends lvl 30 account for a legacy account on Heroes of Newerth. The account is on EU West, I have: -538 Riot Points and 6838 IP -2 rune pages with ad and ap crit and atack speed -heroes: Akali Annie Ashe Dr. Mundo Evelynn Fiddlesticks Fiora(all recomended runes for her and masteries set)Gangplank Irelia Jax Karma Karthus Katarina Kayle LeBlanc Lee Sin Lux Malphite Master Yi Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Nasus Nidalee Olaf Ryze Shaco Sion Sivir Sona Swain Talon Teemo Tristana Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Vayne Veigar Xin Zhao. -Skins: Fiddlesticks Twitch Tristana Gangplank Master Yi -581 wins -Godd Buddys with high wins rating good players add me on skype or Pm me here Originally Posted by Silv3R I would like to trade my League of Legends lvl 30 account for a legacy account on Heroes of Newerth. The account is on EU West, I have: -538 Riot Points and 6838 IP -2 rune pages with ad and ap crit and atack speed -heroes: Akali Annie Ashe Dr. Mundo Evelynn Fiddlesticks Fiora(all recomended runes for her and masteries set)Gangplank Irelia Jax Karma Karthus Katarina Kayle LeBlanc Lee Sin Lux Malphite Master Yi Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Nasus Nidalee Olaf Ryze Shaco Sion Sivir Sona Swain Talon Teemo Tristana Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Vayne Veigar Xin Zhao. -Skins: Fiddlesticks Twitch Tristana Gangplank Master Yi -581 wins -Godd Buddys with high wins rating good players add me on skype or Pm me here skype id tzepoy romania you have pm Sold