Hello I'm putting my account on sale. Account details: Server: EU-1 Character level: 81 Character BR: 3,600,000 [3,6m] VIP level: 5 [and a half] The character is roughly in server top 50, in the top guild. Collected several things from previous events such as: 10 pet totally (got Beast King title), the Hermes Wing, 20+ Loivissa fragment, and around 10 inferno fragment. Main pet is an almost evo 3 Xeumach. The account doesnt have any bonus diamond, only the 1k'ish what can be farmed out daily. (Till i can sell the account im playing with it, so the information above is as of the date of the thread's post.) Price is 100$, but im taking offers. Payment is through PayPal. For more information, or making deal contact me at [email protected]