Selling LoA Account 1.48M BR (Updated)

Discussion in 'League of Angels Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dark Kitty, 2/25/15.

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  1. Dark Kitty

    Dark Kitty
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    Hi !

    I want to sell my league of angels account as i dont play tht game anymore if anyone intrested they can PM me i have--

    *522 diamonds in account
    *BR around 1.48 Million
    *Character level 74 NOW
    *Godless wolf,Panda Nicky,Celestial Maiden,Valkyrie,Neither knight,Mermaid,Roseknight all level 70 heroes
    *Main character equipments maxed out to current level owns all mythic equipments + 1 imperial gear and a imperial print(waiting for ungodly soul)
    *level 11 cherubstones and all high quality guardian angels + 1 ungodly guardian angel
    *18 evolved mounts EXCEPT Darkkrin,Phoenix,smoldering,Nian and inferno steed
    *Red dragonsouls as well as orange dragonsouls (High quality)
    *heroes equipments are upto level 50-70 (2 heroes have all mythic equipments)
    *18 unlocked angels
    *All fairies unlocked
    *Current VIP level 7
    *Owns a guild in Divine realm
    *Currently in TOP 10 of server
    *Owns a big iventory
    *850 ruby herosoul and 84 Garnet herosouls in stock
    *Many clothings owned

    Asking price is 300$ as i upgraded this charater more i posted this new thread because m unable to delete my old thread --

    WTS - Selling level 72 sorcerer account | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    If u r intrested or if u have any queries please PM me here or just reply to thread i open site everyday
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