Sold  Lmao

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xMuff1ns, 4/28/19.

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  1. xMuff1ns

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    Unverified Member

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    Likes Received:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    - 9 Character Slots
    - Holiday Bundle unlocked for all characters, this includes holiday helmets, the Icikill knife, vehicle bows, hood ornaments and the Season's Greetings banner
    - NS-15M2, NS44 Commissioner, NS-7 PDW, NS-11P and NSX-P Naginata unlocked on all characters

    Connery 4 Characters:

    NC: bluemuffins - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2

    - Battle Rank 112
    - 5k+ Certs
    - Godsaw
    - Tempest
    - Brawler
    - Fortuna
    - Auraxium Mag-Cutter
    - Auraxium Slasher
    - Battle Hardened 5
    - Nightmare 5
    - Safeguard 5
    - Vampire 5
    - Assimilate 4
    - Catlike 4
    - 13 Helmets, including Skull Blanc from halloween directive and auraxium holiday hats
    - 14 Camos (including solid pink, solid dark brown and grey scales)
    - 14 Decals
    - Infiltrator Auraxium Infused Plating
    - Light Assault Auraxium Infused Plating
    - Drakon Armor for Medic, Engineer, Heavy Assault and MAX
    - Medic and Engineer Tools maxed out
    - Grizzled Voice Pack


    VS: Effervescence - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2

    - Battle Rank 98
    - 2k+ Certs
    - Betelgeuse
    - Eclipse VE3A
    - Safeguard 5
    - Battle Hardened 4
    - Assimilate 4
    - Catlike 4
    - 10 Camos
    - 8 Helmets
    - 15 Decals
    - Light Assault Drakon Armor
    - Medic and Engineer Tools maxed out
    - Tough Voice Pack


    TR: MuffinsTR - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2

    - Battle Rank 40
    - 1k+ Certs
    - 9 Camos
    - 4 Helmets
    - 11 Decals
    - Tough Voice Pack


    VS Alt: MuffinsVS - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2

    - Battle Rank 29
    - 6.3 KDR, 645 SPM, S+ KDR on NS-15M2


    Emerald 3 Characters:

    NC: ItsNotRecursion - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2

    - Free Boost

    VS: MuffinsxVS - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2

    TR: MuffinsxTR - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2


    Cobalt 1 Character:

    VS: DappaLevel69HoodSkaterHustlinB - Player Viewer - PlanetSide 2


    1 Character Slot Spare


    Only accepting payments via Bitcoin or Ethereum.

    For any more information needed, contact me:

    Discord: .Dan#4197
    E-mail: [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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