Selling  Global  Average LLSIF WW || Rank 294 || 87 URs (no promo) || Nozomi-Yoshiko centered.

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ColorDivision, 5/2/21.

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  1. ColorDivision

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    I'm selling a F2P Nozomi and Yoshiko-based account with 87 real URs total, including 10 limited URs (birthday cards of Nozomi, Yoshiko and Honoka, the limited China server original Nozomi card, a Yoshiko and Riko duo card, and two cards from the 7th-anniversary set and a Starlight Sailor Nozomi.) This account also has all 9 limited Aqours Movie SRs that you could only get by using a serial code.

    There are several cards that still need bonding so you can farm more loveca, most UR cards have been idolized by using a copy, there's no abuse of the sticker shop, didn't sell any promo cards, they are just in the waiting room and I kept at least one copy of special event cards like the Shadowverse collab, etc.

    If you need any more details, feel free to message me on discord Roo#2205 I'm new on this site so it'd be a bit easier on me.

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