So I have been playing these for about 1.5 years, and now I want to retire because I have other important things to do in my life. So I want to sell my account. Description of my account: - 57 UR cards (35 Idolized) - 115 SSR cards (55 Idolized) - 190 SR Cards, and many more R and N cards - Side story of ALL characters in Muse and Aquors and some other characters that are still new/untouched (so you can read and get up to 100+ adittional love gems) - 82 Love gems, 19 Coupon Scouting, and many more ticket and up to 800+ thousands friend points - And many more title, stamp, wallpaper and other things available If you want to know more about the information about my account or want to buy my account please PM (personal message) me , the contact number is in below the screenshot. Here is also the screenshot of my account: The price are still #, but just don't offer me ridiculous price that is too far below the asked price because I won't accept it. For paying method, I prefer paying by transferring the money to my bank account (I will give it in my PM if you want to buy and the price is settled). So, Pay me first and you can get my account (Data Transfer will be done by SIF account) To purchase or ask information, this is my contact (I usually respond faster from these contact) : instagram.: @johncm07 (also follow me haha) my line/WA : 081280028033