Hi I have to offer my SWFC Account lvl 93. Im open to offers. If You have questions please send me a messege All payments through paypal. thx Below the list of cards and resources a this account: 9 Million Credits 320 Remotes All Max level vehicles Lots base 4* and 3* 5* Cards: 4/7 Anakin TCO x2 4/7 Qui Gon Jinn TFD x2 4/7 YOda Saber x2 4/7 Jar Jar GS 4/7 Admiral Acbar 4/7 Han Solo (Perspnal Card) 6/11 Han Solo SFH 4/7 Old Maul (Personal Card) 4/7 Leia 1st Anniversary 4/7 Lando Carlisian skill 20 Base Aurra Sing 4* Cards: 4/7 Barriss Healer x2 4/7 Captain Panaka x4 4/7 Ki-adi skill 40 4/7 Commader Bly LS skill 40 4/7 Jan Dodonna skill 40 8/15 Cin Dralling skill 40 4/7 SCP skill 40 4/7 Shaak Ti skill 40 4/7 R2-D2 4/7 D2-D2 Mechanic 4/7 Luke X-Wing x2 4/7 Han Solo 4/7 Han Solo BoB 4/7 Chewie x4 4/7 Vader DS 4/7 Clone Commader Gree 4/7 Clone Commader Bacara 4/7 Mon Mothma x2 4/7 General Veers 4/7 General Cracken x2 8/15 Tie Fighter Pilot + lots of other base 4* 3* cards: 4/7 Bail Organa skill 40 4/7 Oppo 4/7 Stun Trooper 4/7 Leia Organa (Light Atk Up) 4/7 Dak Ratler 4/7 Wam Lufba 4/7 Nien 8/15 Nien 4/7 AT-ST Pilot x2 4/7 AT-AT Pilot x2 + lots of other base 3*