Sold Lifetime STO account, rare ships included: 7 Fed...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/19/13.

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  1. Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Lifetime STO account, rare ships included: 7 Fed captains 1 Reman This is a lifetime subscription account, which means there are extra bank and inventory slots, more bridge officer slots and the possibility to play as a Borg character and you'll receive 500 Zen per month, an Android and a Chimera Heavy Destroyer on all Characters. Other account-wide unlocks: Engineering and Tactical Odyssey, all the Vesta's. All seven FED-characters of level 10 or higher have the Risian corvette, the main has it unlocked, the other characters still have it packed. Nukara and Mol'Rihan Tribble. Unlocked playable species: Caitians (and Borg as a Lifetime Reward). Main character: - General: Fed, Alien, Science lvl 50 with tier 5 Rom and Omega Reputation, Almost tier 2 Nukara. - Main ships: JH Dreadnought (with the advanced pets - bought for 60.000 dilithium), JH Attack ship (rarest ship in the game), Temporal Science Vessel, Odyssey Tac and Operations Cruisers, The whole Vesta pack (odyssey and Vesta are account wide and useable on all characters). Free ships that were collected using dilithium: Star Cruiser, Patrol Escort. Breen Chel Grett ship from the Winter Event. - Ship equipment: Omega set (torpedo, kinetic cutting beam and universal console) and space set Mk XII (considered the best set in the game for doing elite missions) Weapons: all polaron Mk XII Advanced fleet weapons. - Currencies: At the moment I have 300 BNP, which is worth 60.000 dilithium, and 11000 Omega Marks, which is worth 110000 dilithium. - Special items: MACO Photonic officer (got it after opening over 60 lock boxes), and a Borg liberated officer. Very well developed DOFF-roster. 15 Dilithium mining claims, which is worth 75000 dilithium. Second Character: Fed, alien, Eng level 50. - Ships: Also the Odysseys and the Vestas. - Gear: Both Borg sets Mk XII (the set that consists of the Omega Torpedo Launcer, the Console and the Kinetic Cutting Beam and the Omega Shield, Deflector and Engine). - Currencies: 46 Dilithium mining claims, which is over 200.000 of dilithium. Third character: Caitian, Tactical level 50. - Ships: Also the Odyssey's and the Vestas. Tier 5 Defiant. Both Tal Shiar Lock Box ships (Battle Cruiser and Adapted Destroyer, bought for 130 million EC). Update: Monbosh Battleship, newest ship in the game available. - Gear: Advanced Fleet Weapons and Elite Fleet engine, Deflector and Shields. Also a liberated Borg Bridge Officer. Tier 3 Omega and Tier 2 Romulan Reputation system. Other Characters: - 2 Borg officers (one of level 10, another one of level 1, just created) - 1 Caitian, Science Officer (level 35) - 1 Betazoid, tactical, level 50 - 1 Reman, allied with the Federation (level 15) - 1 Klingon, level 26. I haven't been very active on this character, so it's largely unused (the character was created when Klingons still started at level 20). Other relevant information: I'm still taking care of the characters. I've gotten all the accolades during the recent Risa event. I'm also getting the items that are given away this week by Cryptic, to make sure it fully up-to-date for anyone who wants to buy it. All things considered I think one could call this a well developed account, and there is still room for creating more characters. You can also create your own missions as there are still unused Foundry Slots. I've paid about 500 euros during the last year to develop all the characters, I'm selling it for 600 dollars, (which is currently 450 euros) as I'm still making efforts to keep everything up to date and I've put quite some extra time in it to unlock some of the things summarized above. However, I am willing to consider lower offers as I simply don't have the time to keep playing the game for much longer. If you have any questions or if you would like to hear additional details, please ask. I won't bite
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