borg human - engineer (50) - 759,103cr - mirror advanced escort (antiproton - jam'hadar + borg sets XI) - Chimera heavy destroyer (phaser X) - heavy escort carrier (polaron XI) - danude runabout - type 10 shuttlecraft - captain's yacht - type 8 shuttle alien - tactical (50) - 84.573cr + 48.053 dil - heavy escort carrier (blank) - mirror advanced escort (disruptor XI) - chimera heavy destroyer (basic phaser X) - patrol escort (polaron X-XII) - light escort (basic phaser) - type 10 shuttlecraft human - science (1) - light cruiser (basic phaser) borg romulean - tactical (6) - T'liss light warbird klingon - tctical (21) - B'rel Bird of prey (distruptor II) unlocked : classified access codes (lifetime reward) borg officier (amazon preorder) enterprise era bundle deep space nine bundle klingon deep space nine bundle heavy escort refit : thunderchild heavy escort carrier : armitage chimera heavy destroyer nx ship registery enterprise mirror uniform federation costume pack 22nd century T'Pol uniform seven of nine uniform legacy of romululs reward (nukara tribble) credit cap (1 billion) + 5080 zen