Sold LifeAfter (Sandcastle) Adv. Virus Master Manor 15 Level 76/77/75 Mods 9/10/11

Discussion in 'LifeAfter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kielebear, 2/22/20.

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  1. kielebear

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    Unverified Member

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    Profession: Advanced Virus Master
    Manor: 15
    Gather: 76
    Craft: 77
    Combat: 75
    Weapon Set 1: 9/10/11
    Weapon Set 2: 5/5/5
    Aux Weapon Mods: 5/3/8
    Armor Mods: 9/10/10

    Own all Fusion IV Weapon formulas but these are the noteworthy ones:
    G36c Collectors Edition 1*
    An94 1*
    Snow KSG 2*
    Lvl 4 shield: Azure 1*, Basic and Sulphate
    Night Shadow 1*
    Flame Armor
    Sawblade 1* w/ movement speed bonus
    DSR sniper
    AWM sniper
    Battle Domination
    Tactical Communicator
    A2 Collectors Edition
    1* Howitzer

    Hot tub, 2 pools, 2 french bedroom sets, wall tv set, piano gift pack, romantic blue set, wooden set, lots of french windows, 2 bathtubs, 2 refrigerators, Four post bed silkworm tower set, ac, chimney, and lots of random event furniture. Garden is fully decorated with various sized grass plots, livestock, poultry, fountains etc.

    Pvp/pve gear I own and use daily:
    3* An94 CE
    3* KSG CE
    2* Snow KSG
    1* G36C CE
    1* Level 4 Azure Shield
    Battle Domination helmet
    Unparalleled Sawblade
    Blood Bath Sawblade
    Movement Speed Sawblade
    4* Howitzer
    Combat, Med, Pack, and Gather drones

    Royal Knight Top 25 in Death High
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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