[bvirtual] Looking for the VC mew that was obtained in Gen 1 from Japan or London. Have paypal and the following events. All events are self obtained/UT. Gen 4 has no wondercard proof. Gen 5 has wondercard proof. Thanks for your time everyone Gen 4: GAMESTP Jirachi Nature: Bashful FAL2010 Mew x2 Natures: Brave, Adamant TRU Arceus Nature: Relaxed GAMESTP Pichu Nature: Jolly Gen 5 Events: SMR2012 Keldeo Nature Gentle FEB2012 Mewtwo Nature: Bold Plasma Deoxys Nature: Timid Ref: https://m.reddit.com/r/#/comments/4va6kl/upatricpns_exchange_reference/ # #/patricpn # .