Sold Lf jinshi or changli with bis

Discussion in 'Wuthering Waves Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Im_s4shq, 9/5/24.

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  1. /u/Im_s4shq

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    Same account!!

    Asia: S1 encore Calcharo Yinlin Lingyang Cosmic ripples Standard banner broadblade (forgot the name) Guaranteed 6 pity

    America: Calcharo Verina Jianxin 2x ages of harvest (not refined) Guaranteed 6 pity

    Has like 5-6 days welkin on Asia I think forgot how many days? I just deleted wuwa cus too much storage T.T

    Og owner

    # #/Im_s4shq
    . .
    #1 /u/Im_s4shq, 9/5/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 9/6/24
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