LF DCUO Account

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    im looking for a HERO DCUO account to buy with more then 149 skill points

    if you have one let me know here and send me a message

    I could not send you a private msg cuz your inbox is already full so here is what i wanted to send you in the private msg:

    Originally Posted by okool

    Originally Posted by Craxus

    Hey i sell a hero cr 98 Troller and also cr 98 Dps on USPC SERVER

    I got 164 SP

    So if you are interested to buy it send me a private msg but the price must be over 450$

    I say over 450$ cuz if you look you will see i have a thread opened where i sell my account and curent best offer is 440$

    Take care

    is this a lifetime account? because for 450$ thats alot i can buy the account but i need a liltter more info about the account like styles you have and more

    First of all is not a life account but when i said i got 164 SP on the account that means i almost have all the feats finished...

    From a total of 776 feats i finished already 750 feats so you just have to finish 26 more feats and you have all done

    Having 750 feats finished it says i got almost all the styles already finished, im just missing like 4 more styles like the codex, the new 2 styles time and traces + avatar infiltrator.

    The account comes with 14 mil to and a few pieces of tank and healer gear T5+ in case if you will decide you wont want to be a Troller or Dps. Also i have 250 MOR and with that MOR you can buy the new gear lvl 86 that will be released in the next DLC PACK

    I also have some stacks of exo on one of my alts and like 2 precision might expert mods

    With all that you have on my account you are already set and you can chose to be a very good player on 1 role by using all sp for 1 role or you can chose to dual spec for dps and troller/healer/tank. You just have enough sp to do that...

    Also if you will chose to stay troller/dps then you must know you dont need to swich to tank or healer to get the feats from there cuz i already finished all the feats that are for tank or healer like style feats and so on...

    + on the account you got 50k mot

    And if i would had a life account i wont sell it for less then 1k $ even if i would have a low lvl character with only a few SP

    Anyway if you are interested let me know

    Take care

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