I was hesitating a lot but I just accepted that my Asia account won't be sold or traded any time soon, sooo here I go... I'm trading this account for any account (it's bound to a Google Play account I only use for mobile games, but you can easily unbind the account from it and re-bind to whatever you'd prefer) with Captain Hook. I don't care what else is on it, I don't care how many characters aren't unlocked (because as you can see, I don't have all unlocked either). The only requirement is that it's an Android NA/EU account with First Officer's limited S tier: Captain Hook. I'm fine with meeting ingame as well and just showing that I indeed do own all these skins (execpt for the characters I don't own, I can only offer a video with showing the skins for those). Trade will only be done with a middleman. This was cross-posted on 3picNPC