Sold LF Alchemy Stars US Server - Michael+Irridon+Wrath

Discussion in 'Alchemy Stars Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by lastruin, 6/26/21.

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  1. lastruin

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    I am looking for an account for the US server that have Michael, Irridon and Wrath or just Michael+Wrath/Irridon.
    Preferably a chapter one account and unlinked, but if higher, you can let me know how far and how many summons was done.

    Let me know the price.
    You can send me a message here. If Discord, it is Synixx#7677
    Payment will be through Paypal.
    Would like the seller to go first unless higher feedback.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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