I've played off and on over the years. The account isn't perfect, but definitely is good. I am willing to discuss a price. Not looking for anything crazy. Just figured I'd try to sell for some other games. Haven't played in a few months. Tamer level 99 Mimi. 128% Impmon with Perfect Clones. 125% Alphamon Oryuken (Perfect AT/CT) 129% Omegamon Other digimon include Betamon (5/5 Apoc unlocked), Renamon 5/5 and Guilmon 5/5. I have the jogress pieces for Paladin mode at 3/5 with a Wormmon 5/5 to data exchange with. There isnt all that much T because I was buying X-Digi's when they came out. I have Savior title and very good jewelry. Also have shiny clothing, but attributes arent the best. I was primarily a f2p player. Had some help from friends along the way. If you need any proof for anything feel free to message me. I have some screenshots I can send. Discord is x3ch0#6385. Please contact me there for quicker response.
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