Selling LEVEL 95, Vip 14, Server Kil Rai 99, top 1 Arena daily

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ray Amin, 12/10/15.

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  1. Ray Amin

    Ray Amin
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    hi guys i don't have time anymore to play, and i have a great account for sale, ill post some of the account information here and my email so if your interested you can email me and i can email you the account pictures and everything on it, i am not looking for low ballers because i have spent a lot of time on this account.... only serious offers will be replied to.

    over 30+ orange+2 héros
    over 6000000 gold
    i have unlocked every achievement
    have every hero except 2 or 4 heroes...
    10k gems
    if you already play heroes charge go on our server look up at the guild DG Legends on server 99 Kil Rai
    and i am the guild leader IC3MAN... 35k more to get to lvl 96....
    my price is firm 300 euro, or 500 USD... this account is vip 14 so right away you know i have easily spent over 5k
    so for this price its a steal.... email me at [email protected], if you want to see pictures and then we can use middle man or pay pal
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