Listed here is a level 95 account with about 1280 remotes, 46 million credits, and about another 7 pages of unlisted 4* bases as well as everything liisted below. Would like to get rid of it all in one transaction preferably, but am open to smaller sales as well. 5* 4/7 SK 40s: 4x 4/7 boba dfh 4x 4/7 aurra hg 2x 4/7 jango tow 1x 4/7 zam sniper 1x 4/7 old cad 2x 4/7 old aurra 1x 4/7 sid sd 5* BASES: 1x EVO 1 zam sniper 1x zam sniper 1x chewy ahr 2x vader hmb 1x asajj 2x old sid 2x sid ra 2x boba dfh 2x aurra hg 2x plo jp 2x sebulba 1x black krrsantan 1x ben kenobi jh 2x gg ak 1x barriss fj 1x luke jk 1x leia ats 1x maul mr 1x padme rs 2x rancor 1x droideka 2x bb8 1x EVO 1 anipad 1x han qd 1x leia sc 1x mace mv 1x finn 1x old vader 2x old chewy 1x boba trh 2x cc appo 1x cc cody 1x old lando 1x old qgj 1x old maul 2x maul sin 2x old tarkin 4*/3* 8/15 SK 40s: 2x 8/15 mas 2x 8/15 dd-13 1x 8/15 teemto 1x 8/15 lott dod 2x 8/15 aurra sniper 1x 8/15 darth sidious 1x 8/15 moff jerjerrod 1x 8/15 general tagge 1x 8/15 scp 1x 8/15 cc neyo 1x 8/15 lando NONTRADEABLES: 1x 8/15 sk 40 dooku 4* 1x old maul 1x old sid 2x bb8 2x cc thire