Level 92 account asia server $300 - Indonesia Ign : WaterMoccasin Level : 92 Server : Asia Raid : can solo level 99 dragon with 1 run (dellons + jupy as dd) Auto score 1.5m - 2.2m Arena : 4600 - 4900+ (without spamming rubies) Payment : paypal Lords and Emperors : Ace 40+5 Lubu 38+5 Sun Wukong 40+5 Rin 38+5 Teo 36+5 Karma 34+5 Seven Knights : Dellons 40+5 Rudy 40+5 Eileene 40+5 Spike 34+5 Rachel 34+5 Kris 34+5 Jave 34+5 All sena have the Etheral Guardian costumes (anniversary costumes) Most of the sena and lords are using awakened raid weapon and armor plus +5 jewels Other heroes : Evan 40+5 Karin 40+5 Jupy 40+5 Velika 40+5 Yuri 40+5 Ming2 40+5 Nia 40+5 Shane 40+5 Sieg 40+5 Espada 40+5 Ruri 40+5 Lina 40+5 Rei 40+5 Daisy 40+5 Leejung 40+5 Yushin 40+5 Ashura 40+5 DiaoChan 40+5 GuanYu 40+5 Lucy 40+5 May 40+5 Alice 40+5 Karon 40+5 Baijiao 40+5 Pascal 40+5 Bidam 40+5 BlackRose 40+5 DaQiao 40+5 Giparang 40+5 Yui 40 Chancellor 40 BaiLong 40 Rook 40 ZhugeLiang 36+5 Nezha 38+5 Jake 40 And many more Have more than 50+ piece of 27spd weapon (including 28spd) Very ready to face any world bosses and to pass any floor at tower of abyss Feel free to visit me on game to see the rest of heroes and the gears If u are interested with this account, u can reach me at Line id : .purplegoat01 Whatsapp : +6288801114948 http://graph.Facebook..com/374957109525074/picture