Selling Level 91, top account, VIP 14, iPhone

Discussion in 'Soul Hunters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Misfits, 6/5/17.

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  1. Misfits

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    Level 91 (only 2 players on the server), 4-5 at 90 atm.
    10k diamonds
    I usually get 1st place in HOL, top 2 in Realm of the ancients and Epic Arena.
    I am working on 20+ heroes most of them are at Orange+1 fully enchanted.
    Top heroes: 7* Ezio, 7* Prince, 6* Orkon, 5* Sylphy, 5* Ling, 6*Radulf, 6* Nylia.

    Lots of 5-7* heroes:

    7* - Aqua, Qaneq, Gale,
    6* - Bloodspear, Zanos, Lumos, Kong, Tashi, Arachna (not promoted yet: Drago, Elric, Flora)

    65 fragments for Ezion awakening, 40 for POP.

    I accept only Paypal. Line: DiscoRoMania .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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