Main Characters Faction: Imperial Elder Profession On Account: No Main Characters Lightsaber: Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Munitions Resources from cross servers. Over a billion credits worth. Full range of capped cores made. Almost every weapon game in characters inventory made, including, Legendary NSEL, Legendary T21, Legendary E5 Carbine, both ranged weapons incorporate the new tibanna gas cartriges and are capped with 30/250 enhancer augs. Inventory of weapons and components are far to large to list. Resources include most of the best saber resources available and from non-available servers. Skill tapes for munitions experimentation pre-cu Main Characters Skills (Describe): munitions Main Characters Armor (Describe): Main Characters Weapons (Describe): Select the number of characters over Level 20: Alternative Characters Server: Flurry Alternative Characters Level: 90 Alternative Characters Race: Zabrak Alternative Characters Profession: Trader Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Pack rat. Alternative Characters Server: Alternative Characters Level: Alternative Characters Race: Alternative Characters Profession: Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Total Heroic Tokens: 0 Total Rare Pets: 0 Respecs Available: Yes All Assets (Describe): Almost every weapon game in characters inventory made, including, Legendary NSEL, Legendary T21, Legendary E5 Carbine, both ranged weapons incorporate the new tibanna gas cartriges and are capped with 30/250 enhancer augs. Inventory of weapons and components are far to large to list. Resources include most of the best saber resources available and from non-available servers. Skill tapes for munitions experimentation pre-cu All Pets (Describe): All Ranks (Describe): All Titles (Describe): All Tokens (Describe): All Vehicles (Describe): Transferable To New Server: Yes Age Of Account: 3 to 5 Years Old List All Expansions Enabled: Additional Information Willing to go through ingame, items to many to count but am in good position to easily sell everything for several billion credits. Have another account set up on SS selling resources alone and have nearly 500 million credits raised from selling a fraction of the resources I have on my main here. Total Currency 430000000 Email Address [email protected]