Level 90 Jedi Twilek Female Farstar

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxies Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/8/14.

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  1. Games

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    Main Characters Faction: Imperial
    Elder Profession On Account:
    Main Characters Lightsaber: Fifth Generation 1 Handed
    Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 5 - Uber Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Main Characters Equipment (Describe): jedi master cloack, 3X35 boot,pant,glove, 2shirts 3X35 "belt"old republic PSG, 5 premiun cristal allya's exile, blackwing all color cristal
    Main Characters Skills (Describe): dark jedi tree
    Main Characters Armor (Describe): R.I.S armor not caped
    Main Characters Weapons (Describe): stats 5 premium cristal allya's exil-blackwing
    Select the number of characters over Level 20:
    Alternative Characters Server: Bloodfin
    Alternative Characters Level: 90
    Alternative Characters Race: Zabrak
    Alternative Characters Profession: Commando
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): rebel assualt armor droideka personal shield plasma flame thrower heacy particule beam cannon light lightning rifle
    Alternative Characters Server: Farstar
    Alternative Characters Level: 75
    Alternative Characters Race: Human
    Alternative Characters Profession: Trader
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): cybernetic combat,leg,chest, 4 arms
    Total Heroic Tokens: 6
    Total Rare Pets:
    Respecs Available: Yes
    All Assets (Describe): 9 houses full of reward and stuff,1 house crafting with capped station,1 house with 73 DNA beast and incubator. droids=2 battle,2 magnaguard,1 super battle,1 guardian mark-2,1 sww5,1 drawf spider,1 union sentry,3 droideka,2 asn-121,2 R2unit,1 probot,2 dz-70,2 pit droid,1 le repair,1 2-1b,1 ins-444,1 R5,1 R-4,1 mse-6
    All Pets (Describe): tauntaun mount varactyl mount spinflap beast lvl9 2 kartha's cliff-jumper bahtha mounth tauntaun egg
    All Ranks (Describe): major
    All Titles (Describe): jedi master relentless hunter brutal killer force insensitive lok revenant assassin waste management city groundskeeper
    All Tokens (Describe): 298 gcw 68 duty mission
    All Vehicles (Describe): 2 stap-1,2 ad.stap-1 2 at-xt,2 at-st 2 tantive 4,3 ab-1 2 x-34,2 v-35 3 mustaf.panning 3 speederbike 3 xp-38,2 swoop lava skiff at-rt,basilisk
    Transferable To New Server:
    Age Of Account: 3 to 5 Years Old
    List All Expansions Enabled:

    Additional Information
    ship=2 dunelizar,3 surosubb yacht,3 scyk light fighter 5 deconstructable weapon=charric, jinkinsj-1, dawnsorrow, nym's slug-thrower, proton car. deathrain d-50. weapons= disruptor pistol, dp-23 rif.,coynite sfor car. distance blob casual and imp cloath., scout armor,katarn armor manny food-stim buff shard=wild force blue-red,serpent, retaliation,sith holocron,meditation cristal, mustafarian injector nova star medal, lvl-75 to 90 jewelry ready for heroic= tusken army"king" IG-88 lost star destroyer axkva min undead rancor champion of mustafar:transfer of the AI,quarantine zone:find the cyrogenics lab.

    Total Currency

    Email Address
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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