Main Characters Faction: Imperial Elder Profession On Account: Elder Jedi On Account: Yes List Other Elder Professions: Elder Medic Elder Rifleman Elder Combat Medic Main Characters Lightsaber: Fifth Generation 1 Handed Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared) Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Full 35 suit capped powerups capped lightsaber master cloaks Main Characters Skills (Describe): Elder Jedi Tank or DSJ Dps Main Characters Armor (Describe): Elder Jedi Master Cloak with full 35 suit Main Characters Weapons (Describe): Capped 5th gen lightsaber, juyo and jinzu razor saber with general crystal, sunriders destiny and bnaars (elder jedi crystal) Select the number of characters over Level 20: Alternative Characters Server: Starsider Alternative Characters Level: 90 Alternative Characters Race: Bothan Alternative Characters Profession: Trader Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): full RE luck suit with powerups Alternative Characters Server: Starsider Alternative Characters Level: 90 Alternative Characters Race: Human Alternative Characters Profession: Spy Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Maxed out Weapons and Armor Capped Elite Tusken Rifle +35 luck suit and powerups Total Heroic Tokens: 30 Total Rare Pets: 1 Respecs Available: Yes All Assets (Describe): Massive houses full of decor and vendors All Pets (Describe): Armored bantha All Ranks (Describe): General (highest pvp rank) All Titles (Describe): Elder Jedi Underlord (tcg title) XTS Executive (tcg title) All Tokens (Describe): 5-10 of each heroic token All Vehicles (Describe): Lightbending podracer ATrt USV5 Jedi Starfighter starship YT Decimator Geonosian Speeder Armored bantha Transferable To New Server: Yes Age Of Account: 5+ Years Old List All Expansions Enabled: All Additional Information Total Currency 50000000 Email Address [email protected]