Level 90 Bounty Hunter Human Sunrunner

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxies Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/8/14.

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  1. Games

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    Main Characters Faction: Rebel
    Elder Profession On Account:
    Main Characters Lightsaber:
    Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 5 - Uber Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Main Characters Equipment (Describe): From what I remember: Full set of capped armor (does 6500 sound right?), full 35s, tons of PuPs. Most buffs. Also a capped pet, best possible in the game because it was obtained from an old quest and made with capped equipment.
    Main Characters Skills (Describe): All skills that BH's have?
    Main Characters Armor (Describe): Capped armor, what can I say?
    Main Characters Weapons (Describe): I have a capped carbine and rifle, maybe even a pistol. Full 35's and PuPs.
    Select the number of characters over Level 20:
    Alternative Characters Server: Sunrunner
    Alternative Characters Level: 90
    Alternative Characters Race: Human
    Alternative Characters Profession: Entertainer
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Combat Ent. Just armor. Nothing really special on this one, it's an Entertainer for gosh sakes!
    Total Heroic Tokens:
    Total Rare Pets: 1
    Respecs Available: Yes
    All Assets (Describe): Have all expansions and have the rare mounts and houses. Capped equipment for end-game high-end PvP.
    All Pets (Describe): Have a couple lvl90 pets. I know i have a Bantha, 60 pointer, and a capped bolotaur (sp?), 60 points there too of course.
    All Ranks (Describe): The highest rank you cna be when you havent logged in for a while. I dont remember what that limit was. A type of officer.
    All Titles (Describe): Dont remember.
    All Tokens (Describe): Dont remember, a few.
    All Vehicles (Describe): I have rare lava flea mount and some Instant travel vehicles.
    Transferable To New Server: Yes
    Age Of Account: 3 to 5 Years Old
    List All Expansions Enabled: All of them. Lightspeed, Obi-wan. I bought them all.

    Additional Information
    Really great for PvP.

    Total Currency

    Email Address
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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