Level 90 Bounty Hunter Human Male Chimaera Euro

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxies Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/8/14.

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    Main Characters Faction: Imperial
    Elder Profession On Account:
    Main Characters Lightsaber:
    Main Characters Equipment (Rate It): 6 - Best Possible Equipment (Fully Geared)
    Main Characters Equipment (Describe): Has the gcw buffs, musty injector, shard of retaliation, TCG buffs, pups, etc
    Main Characters Skills (Describe): Full bounty hunter rifle skills, also all skill mods from heroic instances and other quests have been unlocked
    Main Characters Armor (Describe): Full Mandolorian armor with +65 health mod on each piece except for legs and bracers have +55 on, it includes the belt, and liquids to finish gloves (currently crafted BH armor gloves) full mods built in on chest, and full +35's
    Main Characters Weapons (Describe): Full set of BH rifle's (also pistols) crafted to best spec with built in mods and +35's on (GLC, Elite TK rifle, etc.)
    Select the number of characters over Level 20:
    Alternative Characters Server: Chimaera Euro
    Alternative Characters Level: 82
    Alternative Characters Race: Human
    Alternative Characters Profession: Spy
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Full Crafted Bounty Hunter armor with health mods built in, and full +35's
    Alternative Characters Server: Starsider
    Alternative Characters Level: 73
    Alternative Characters Race: Human
    Alternative Characters Profession: Entertainer
    Alternative Characters Equipment (Describe): Full entertainer suit and equipment
    Total Heroic Tokens: 14
    Total Rare Pets: 1
    Respecs Available: Yes
    All Assets (Describe): Have some TCG houses (Diner, Barn x 2, Vehicle Garage, mando bunker, pool house) also have geo bunker, have just about every deco item in game, Exar Kun Murial (RARE one), Large Aurillian Plant, Bacta tank (old large blue one) Aurillian Sculpture (all 4 pieces) aurillian banner, city banners, deluxe sarlacc trash can, nuna pet (plus nearly all other TCG deco items) house bust items, nearly every old pre-Nge wep that can be deconstructed (including a set of the heroics weps, that can be deconed) most of the backpacks (all un-biolinked) tusken pack, tauntaun pack, reb ace pack, Nightsister feather pack, yoda, c-3p0, etc. far too many deco items to name (there is a bio-linked sunrider's destiny for display) there really is too much stuff to mention, would be best to log in on another account and I can show u all the stuff, most of my houses are capped on storage I have so much stuff, and its not junk stuff either (my main house has 1450 slots on it and its full of Uber deco) :) I have brought the best items back from nearly every server through character transfers
    All Pets (Describe): They are Pre-Nge stuffed pets (very Large, especially the Rancor) they all have recolor and rename options available and DNA can be extracted from them (the others are not as rare but still worth 10 to 20mil ea) about 7 or 8 in total, including the rancor
    All Ranks (Describe): currently am colonel on 74% towards general, in the imperial army, was rebel in the begining but only went to high trooper before respec
    All Titles (Describe): Have many many titles, some from the various events ove the last few years eg. from life day, galactic moon festival, empire day, the titles from vader, and many from the TCG collections (such as the rare paintings they gave out)
    All Tokens (Describe): have 25 of each battelfield tokens, except for bunker assault only 14 there atm, (so can almost get 1 BF weapon) have 3 to 4 of each heroic instance tokens, have 27 hoth instance tokens and some chronicles tokens (all silver atm)
    All Vehicles (Describe): Every single vehicle ingame except for (flare S swoop, New TCG cloud car, and HK-47 Jetpack) Have everything else, X31 landspeeder (rare one, not X-34) desert skiff, sith speeder, geo speeder, Boba jetpack, normal jetpack, Republic Gunship, and all the other smaller TCG vehicles
    Transferable To New Server: No
    Age Of Account: 3 to 5 Years Old
    List All Expansions Enabled: All expansions available are enabled

    Additional Information
    Have a TCG account with nearly every playing card, and foil thereof over 20k cards, a bunch of new booster packs, unopened, event passes, as well as a ton of loot unclaimed so far, also Have some of the most awesome space parts that are all still raw and have not been RE'd with any of the others yet, well over a bil credits worth of space parts alone, as well as a V-wing for those UBER space pilots

    Total Currency

    Email Address
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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