Selling level 90, 60.5k power, S16 100 dollar

Discussion in 'Naruto Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shadi7777, 11/14/17.

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  1. shadi7777

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    level 90, 60.5k power, Top 10 in server, early server never needed merger

    Event Ninja:
    Sailor Sak 3*
    Iruka 4*
    Hiruzen 3rd Hokage 3*
    Cursed blood hidan 30/80
    9 Tail Nar 2* 6/50
    Shikimaru Make-Out Paradise 2*

    Edo Tensei:
    Kabuto Snake Cloak
    16/80 Itachi Susanoo Frags

    Kage: 700+ SS into Kage treasure
    Kage Gaara 4*
    Killer Bee 3* 40/100
    Mei 3* 20/100
    Chojuro 3* 20/100
    Mifune 3* 20/100
    Danzo 3*
    Ay 12/80 (Frags only)

    Sage Nar 4*
    Sasori 100 Puppets 3*
    Orochi KT 3*
    Ao 4* 100/200

    WB Asuma 4* 160/200
    Kakashi BS 3* 60/100
    Chikushido 3*
    Ningendo 3*
    Jigokudo 3*
    Gakido 3*

    Every other rare ninjas except Chiyo 100 puppets. Lot's of frags of other ninjas. 7 gold summons. 9 Seals right now, but very easy to farm them.

    100 dollar
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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