Sold Level 85 with VOID HIGHLORD, Enchanted Nulgath Nation House, Navals, Seppy's armor, Juggernaut Items

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest Worlds Accounts | Buy AQW Accounts' started by Beef Rendang, 10/11/18.

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  1. Beef Rendang

    Beef Rendang
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    Price $:
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    Great account with VHL and ENNH for sale! Hit me up on discord Soto#2491

    We can do lower than $100 if we're going to use PayPal (friends and family) for easy and quick transaction.
    Just add my discord. Or we can do it with middleman also.

    I don't have time for SCAMS!

    Some of its best points:

    - VHL is the best class on AQW
    - ENNH (Enchanted Nulgath Nation House) is the most hardcore house to farm, contain some quests to get limited items and gears
    - Lot of rank 10 reps
    - Seppy's armor
    - Juggernaut Items of Nulgath (Crystal Blade and Ungodly Reavers)
    - DragonBlade of Nulgath
    - Blade of Awe
    - Bounty Hunter Blade
    - Bido's BlackCaster
    - Astral Orb
    and more on bank!

    This account is great for you who want to play AQW again after taking a break because you'll get some of the best items with less effort.

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  2. OP
    Beef Rendang

    Beef Rendang
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    The account has been sold.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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