INFO: Name: (Name with no numbers and only 6 letters) Level: 85 Gold: 4.270.000 ACs: 85 Backpack Spaces: 61. Classes in total: 43. Badges in total: 82 (Achievement Badges), 0 (HeroMart Badges), 53 (Other Badges). Achievements (Character Page) in total: 66. Quests: 27 of 61 completed. Story: 8 of 15 completed. PvP Necklace: Gold PvP Medal +3000(hp) Member: Yes, active until July 20, 2017 Account Age: 5 Years Account Upgraded: 2 Years ACs in Total: Over 100,00 The account has a lot of legendaries and rares in the bank. CLASSES: Alpha DOOMmega (rank 10) Arachnomancer (rank 10) ArchPaladin (rank 10) Bard (rank 1) Chaos Shaper (rank 10) Daimon (rank 10) Dark Legendary Hero (rank 10) Darkblood StormKing (rank 10) DeathKnight (rank 10) DoomKnight (rank 10) Dragon Knight (rank 10) Dragonslayer (rank 10) Drakel Warlod (rank 10) Enfocer (rank 1) Eternal Inversionist (rank 10) Evolved Shaman (rank 10) Exalted Soul Cleaver (rank 10) Flame Dragon Warrior (rank 10) Glacial Beserker Test (rank 10) Horc Evader (rank 10) Legendary Hero (rank 10) Legion DoomKnight (rank 10) LightCaster (rank 10) Lycan (rank 10) Master Ranger (rank 10) MechaJouster (rank 10) MindBreaker (rank 10) Necromancer (rank 10) Oracle (rank 10) Paladin (rank 10) Prismatic ClawSuit (2014) (rank 10) Prismatic ClawSuit (2015) (rank 10) ProtoSartorium (rank 10) Royal BattleMage (rank 10) Rustbucket (rank 10) Sentinel (rank 10) ShadowStalker of Time (rank 10) Shaman (rank 10) SkyGuard Grenadier (rank 10) Thief of Hours (rank 10) Troll Spellsmith (rank 10) Ultra Elemental Warrior (rank 10) UndeadSlayer (rank 10) REPUTATION: Dwarfhold (rank 10) Fishing (rank 4) DoomWood (rank 10) Yokai (rank 5) Evil (rank 10) Arcangrove (rank 10) Good (rank 8) EtherStorm (rank 3) Vampire (rank 10) Lycan (rank 10) ChronoSpan (rank 10) ThunderForge (rank 10) Sandsea (rank 10) Blade of Awe (rank 6) Troll (rank 10) Skyguard (rank 10) Swordhaven (rank 10) Chaos (rank 5) Loremaster (rank 4) Death Pit Arena (rank 4) SpellCrafting (rank 1) Mysterious Dungeon (rank 3) Northpointe (rank 8) Horc (rank 10) Mythsong (rank 10) Elemental Master (rank 4) Revenloss (rank 10) Monster Hunter (rank 10) Alchemy (rank 10) Infernal Army (rank 10) MERGE ITEMS: LEGION: Legion Tokens: 728 BLoD: Bone Dust: 5100 Undead Energy: 9332 Spirit Orb: 41 Loyal Spirit Orb: 41 Bright Aura: 10 NULGATH: Acara's Fang Defeated Makai: 50 Cubes: 471 Escherion's Chain Hydra Scale O-Dokuro's Tooth Strand of Vath's Hair BLOOD TITAN: Blood Titan Token: 191 BOOSTS: CLASS Boost (1hr) x48 Daily Login CLASS Bost (1hr) x24 Daily XP Boost (1hr) x57 GOLD Boost (1hr) x108 GOLD Boost (20 min) x47 GOLD Boost (60 min) x1 REP Boost (20 min) x39 REPUTATION Boost (1hr) x70 XP Boost (1hr) x114 XP Boost (1hr) x1 XP Boost (20 min) x47 XP Boost (60 min) x12 ACHIEVEMENTS (CHARACTER PAGE): Axe Master Chaos Shaper Member 4th Upholder 5th Upholder 8th Upholder Friday the 13th Stubborn Unicorn Commander Cornelis Reborn Stone Cold Desoloth Freed Very Important Player Story ARC You mad Bro? PTR lag tester PTR Guild Tester Committed Vanguard Solid Jade Blade of Awe Shadowfire Emperor Sepulchure's Armor Shadow Sorcerer ConZombie Slayer Guild City PTR Chaos Harpy 2nd Chaos Lord Lord of the Wedding Ring Battle Gems Ultimate DragonSlayer Forsaken Warlock Guild Launch Champion of Chaos 6th Birthday Savior Dark DragonMaster Draconic DoomKnight AQ Dragons Golden Gladiator Honorable Hero (2014) Honorable Hero (2015) Honorable Hero (2016) TigerMaster Dreadspace 13th Doom Lord PTR Server Tester CryptKeeper Vault Dage's Crimson Knight Dread Leopard Gryphon Bright Fortress House Ice fortress Data Elemental Set Shadow Sorcery Set Lord of Bones Champion of Light Northlands Ranger Battlelord of Ravens Frostling Pet Nightelf Snowstalker ArchAngel's Defender Justice Squad RiftWalker Void Guardian Galactic Imperator Void Gear Ledengary BroodFiend Only accepting Steam Gift Cards