AA Points: 1000 Veteran AA Points: 9 Describe Veteran Rewards: LDON Points: Tradeskills: master smithing, master alchemy Flag/Key List: crystallos Epic: Epic 2.0 Do You Have Magelo or EQ Player Profile: Magelo or EQPlayer Profile Link: Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Uber Equipment (Fully Geared) Describe All Characters Equipment: Characters Server: Prexus Characters Level: Characters Class: shaman Describe One Characters Equipment: tier 5 equipment on new expansion plus most of quest augs. 32k hps buffed plus 14k or more mana How Many Alts over Level 50?: Characters Transferrable?: Yes Expansions: Additional Information over 1000 aa s .also at least 9 vet aa s. have done alot of questing with character . accoutn has 100k or more with bags full of equipment . alos a lvl 70 some druid on account and lvl 24 echanter. Total Platinum 100000