Level 85 Hunter - 80 Priest for HoN account.

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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    I'm looking to trade my 85 Hunter and 80 Priest on the same account for a HoN account.

    Hunter is in mostly heroic gear with epic flyer, rare flying mount and max professions. If you want more details I can check ingame for you when you contact me.

    Please PM me with details about your account and any questions you have.


    Sure i have a hon account i can trade. I played only few games on it so it is almost new. Send me an email to [email protected] /* */ if you are interessted

    I have a HoN account also. Feel free to contact me AIM or Email @ levelupkeys at gmail

    i have a legacy hon account for trade contact me.

    hey bud i gota amazing hon acount with tons of avatars annoucers and so one


    contact me if interested
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