Sold Level 80 Priest Undead Male on The Maelstrom EURO - Horde

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (EU)' started by Games, 4/3/15.

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  1. Games

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    List Level of Professions : 410 engineering 420 mining
    Mount Type: Epic Flying
    Name Your Mounts: Bronze drake, Black war wolf, Qiraj battle tank in all colours, undead horse, and some not important onces
    Riding Skill: 300
    Honor Points: 19850
    Arena Points: 1908
    Raid/Dungeon Keys: Loads of them
    PVP Title: none lot of pvp achies tough
    Number of Other Characters Above Level 50 On Account:
    Alternative Characters Server: The Maelstrom EURO - Horde
    Alternative Characters Level: 65
    Alternative Characters Class: Death Knight
    Number Of Characters You Wish To Describe Gear:
    Character Transferable To New Server?: Yes
    If selected no, when will it be transferrable?:
    Burning Crusade Enabled: Yes
    Wrath of the Lich King Enabled: Yes

    Additional Information
    I have another lvl 19 twink rogue fully twink geared. lvl 37 rogue and some low leveled chars. Loads of epic equips on my priest that are worth alot of G as well
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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