Sold Level 80 Male Dark Elf Wizard on The Bazaar - Evil...

Discussion in 'EverQuest 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ2 Account' started by EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/21/13.

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  1. EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    Level 80 Male Dark Elf Wizard on The Bazaar - Evil Main Characters AA Points: 169 Describe Main Characters Tradeskills: Level 39 Weaponsmith Describe Main Characters Houses: Number 3 compassion road North freeport Describe Main Characters Rewards: * EQ2 Sep2007 Winback * Entitlement: Desert of Flames + In-Game Item: Genie Bottle * Entitlement: Echoes of Faydwer * Entitlement: Kingdom of Sky * Entitlement: Rise of Kunark * Entitlement: The Bloodline Chronicles * Entitlement: The Fallen Dynasty * Entitlement: The Shadow Odyssey All-In-One Pack * Entitlement: The Splitpaw Saga * In-Game Item: 1 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 1095 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 1461 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 182 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 30 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 365 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 547 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 7 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 730 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: 90 Day Vet Reward * In-Game Item: Baby Dragon * In-Game Item: Cloak of the Void (requires The Shadow Odyssey) * In-Game Item: Mysterious Shard * In-Game Item: Paintings of EQII * In-Game Item: Picture of the Desert of Ro * In-Game Item: Pouch of the Well Traveled * In-Game Item: Ring of T'Haen * In-Game Item: Talking Statues * In-Game Items: EQII Living Legacy Promo Items * NOT CURRENTLY USED * Recruit-A-Friend Mount * Starter and Booster Pack: Oathbreaker Set * Starter and Booster Pack: Oathbreaker Set Main Characters EQ2 Players Station Profile: Did You Provide EQ2 Players Station Profile Link: Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Almost The Best Describe All Characters Equipment: Characters Server: The Bazaar - Evil Characters Level: 70 Characters Class: Wizard List Characters Equipment: This is for Main character, Wizard Mythical, please check the link for...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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