Level 80 Male Dark Elf Troubador on Oasis - Evil

Discussion in 'EverQuest 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ2 Account' started by EQ2, 10/2/13.

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  1. EQ2

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    Main Characters AA Points: 166
    Describe Main Characters Tradeskills: jeweler
    Describe Main Characters Houses: 2 room house in Neriak
    Describe Main Characters Rewards:
    Main Characters EQ2 Players Station Profile: lvl 80 troubador with Mythical and Shadow of odyssey Fable gear sets ,Fable , Legendary items and set items, armor, and jewelry, the account has been active for about 41/2 years i have around 24 characters on this account, 2 of them are 80, 8 other are 40+and the rest are below 40's. All 40 + have mounts of 40% speed and higher is a nice account my main troub have most masters spells 70+ that includes Jesters cap m1 Perfection of the Maestro m1 and most of the group buff spells are m1.Troubador is also cleared for access through ALL of Vishan's Peak.My lvl 80 wizard is a lvl 80 sage as well with almost all scribe books in the game,he has some master and all the rest are adept 3. Here is a link to see my troubador. eq2players.station.sony/characters/character_profile.vm?characterId=757571206 This link is to see my lvl 80 wizard
    Did You Provide EQ2 Players Station Profile Link: Yes
    Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Almost The Best
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    Select the number of alts over Level 40:
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Good
    Alternative Character Level: 80
    Alternative Character Class: Wizard
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Good
    Alternative Character Level: 75
    Alternative Character Class: Fury
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Good
    Alternative Character Level: 71
    Alternative Character Class: Conjurer
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Evil
    Alternative Character Level: 71
    Alternative Character Class: Necromancer
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Good
    Alternative Character Level: 61
    Alternative Character Class: Guardian
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Evil
    Alternative Character Level: 61
    Alternative Character Class: Bruiser
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Evil
    Alternative Character Level: 55
    Alternative Character Class: Warden
    Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Evil
    Alternative Character Level: 45
    Alternative Character Class: Defiler
    Latest Expansions Enabled: Rise of Kunark

    Additional Information
    Also has The enable The Shadow Odyssey witch is the latest eq2 expansion pack

    Total Platinum
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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