Main Characters AA Points: 187 Describe Main Characters Tradeskills: Tinkerer Describe Main Characters Houses: beautiful house in Kelethin Describe Main Characters Rewards: has 16 Master I spells, including all heals plus 67 void shards Main Characters EQ2 Players Station Profile: Did You Provide EQ2 Players Station Profile Link: Yes Main Characters Equipment: 4 - Good Gear, Average to Good Gear Describe All Characters Equipment: Select the number of alts over Level 40: Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Evil Alternative Character Level: 80 Alternative Character Class: Coercer Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Good Alternative Character Level: 68 Alternative Character Class: Conjurer Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Evil Alternative Character Level: 50 Alternative Character Class: Necromancer Alternative Character Server: Oasis - Evil Alternative Character Level: 47 Alternative Character Class: Fury Latest Expansions Enabled: Kingdon of Sky Additional Information has shadow odyssey expansion, call of tinkerer, feign death, mender bot, also on the account is a lvl 80 coercer who just needs venril sathir for mythical weapon, a level 50 Necro with all master pet's, over 100 platinum Total Platinum 100