Level 76 mage, 145k br with full backpack...

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/13/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hi, I want to sell my char, level 76 with 145k br, main sylph is hercules, 1 star purple. Level 60 legend set, lvl 70 legend trinkets, lvl 70 rings (one is legend and the second few days away).

    Honor rank is Elite Crusader, 8800 charm, not VIP atm but has lvl 6 VIP if activated, all astrals red or orange if there is no red and lvl 5 or above, clothes lvl 5 and lvl 4 wings plus 2 rows of clothes in vault waiting for event ( you can reach lvl 6 clothes easily ).

    Items in backpack for events: 160k SC, 42k whips, 60 lvl 8 HP gems and 50 lvl 5 HP gems (almost all gems on me are lvl lvl 9, few are still lvl 8) almost ready with shards for lvl 70 legend (13 for helmet, 13 for armor and 13 for weapon, 1 for necklace) 137 lvl 70 leg stones atm, 700 lvl6 crystaloids. As for sylph there is: 220 mahra, 290 sepulcrum, 1200 star sand, 236 star tear shards, 4 water tears, 3 for fire, 3 for wind and 1 for light/dark. So very close to a refined iris .

    Clothes: 4 for head ( lvl 4, lvl 2 and 2 lvl 1) 5 for armor (1 lvl 3, 1 lvl 2 and 3 lvl 1) and 2 for weapon (2 lvl 1) and 3 lvl 1 wings, 11 fashion cores and 7 charms.

    Level 8 stables and 11 mounts, besides the ones for stable level. Dragon level maxed for my level and 18 eggs in bacpack. Married, lvl 3 ring with top knight on the server (286k br atm) willing to keep the marriage with a new user .

    Not sure what else to say, oh yes sylph party : Hercules, 5 star blue iris and 2 star blue apollo. If you want any more details ask, I'm looking at a fair price for this one, half year of playing and nice char with many good items. Please buy and share :P
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