Sold Level 75 +8 accessories maxed geared templar +17 full $300

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dragonkhal, 3/8/17.

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  1. dragonkhal

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    hello , i am looking to sell my geared templar on tiamat - elyos but can server transfer due to his op gears require no rank.
    th templar is level 75 with 2 bars in

    price: $300
    contact info at bottom for screenshots / meeting in game.

    accessories: full rank 1 augment accessories all +8 and +15 rank 1 wings and a gold pume +5

    pvp gear - full rank 1 mythic all +17 with level 70 composits att/crit
    it also has an extra set of rank 1 mythic +15 in the warehouse

    the account also has full celestial set with weapon and shield.... yes the one you craft from luna shop.. that cost $300 b yitself

    pve gear : full +17 dd set including wep with lvl 70 composits att/crit and full donuts
    extra dd set +15 socketted composits for hp/crit set support

    extras: the account has 3,000 + luna craft materials so that you may craft any item in luna shop in your dreams
    10mill ap and 1.2k ceranium medals. the account has almost all inventory slots opened.. this account is easily probably one of the most geared templars in the game at the moment, with it being level 75 you are set for 5.3

    i am selling it this cheap because i am leaving to EU soon and i need to get rid of it! i will provide all original information including name , birth date, account activation email and anyhting else you will need. we can also do middle man service if you would like to pay for it.

    you may contact me skype: [email protected]
    text or whatsapp: 901-314-5498
    or simply comment / inbox me here.
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