Have a level 711 Energy: 605 Stamina: 1244 Attack: 1271 (+762) Defence: 547 (+275) Health: 1632 Runes: Attack: 240 (23k essence) Defence: 200 (35k essence) Damage: 168 (24k essence) Health: 96 (4k essence) Has good equipment with Hydra Blade & Amulet 4 star Sahar level 28 with +1555 monster attack level 48 Sylvana Level 39 Barbarus Level 27 Katherine Level 12 Banthus Archfiend Level 19 Dawn Level 9 Annika Very good account for Monster hunter builds and hits hard against mosters and can do 100mill + on high teir monsters. Add me on skype: Alanathedudeguy if you have any more questions or want screenshots.