Selling Level 71 - 2015 ACC

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by SpoiledBrat101, 7/31/17.

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  1. SpoiledBrat101

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    Account level: 71
    Joined in 2015 : Combat Proven title
    American, German, and Russian T5 titles
    Armored Officer title

    Mostly researched in ground forces - Most T4 Americans, though new tanks added in after reaching T5 research - M46 Tiger
    T5 Germans - primarily up to Tiger II P, Leopard A1A1, researching Jagdtiger, Gepard T5 AA - Talisman on Jagdpanther
    T5 Russians - IS-4M and T-54 1947, working on TD at T4 - Premiums: T-34-100, T-34E, T-35, SMK
    T5 British - Chieftan Mk3, Swingfire, Crusader AA Mk1, researching FV4202P due to being added after - Achilles 40 Reg
    T1 Japanese - Ha-Go Commander

    5 bushes, 1 iron cross accessory

    Assorted bunch of emblems

    Three-tone camo for Leopard A1A1 and T5 Gepard, assorted for multiple other vehicles.


    P-90A, and B-29 for Americans, premium P-51D 10.

    Typhoon IB and Spitfire IX, premium Wyvern

    T2 Russians

    T1 German

    Starting on T2 Japanese

    T1 Italians

    86.1k currency, 0 GE.

    Looking for account with tier 5 British Hawker Hunter, only requirement.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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