Sold Level 70 Male Troll Bruiser on Venekor - Evil Main...

Discussion in 'EverQuest 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ2 Account' started by EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/12/13.

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  1. EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    Level 70 Male Troll Bruiser on Venekor - Evil Main Characters AA Points: 100 Describe Main Characters Tradeskills: 49 woodworker Describe Main Characters Houses: sfp 3brd house Describe Main Characters Rewards: 4 year vet rewards, 0ver 19 hq;s done Main Characters EQ2 Players Station Profile: Did You Provide EQ2 Players Station Profile Link: No Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Almost The Best Describe All Characters Equipment: Characters Server: Nektulos - Evil Characters Level: 61 Characters Class: necromancer List Characters Equipment: vestments of the archmagus fabled general feyt's cowl of intelect cuffs of the etheral foci fabled gloves of wonderful enchantment fabled runic belt of dark arts fabled slacks of the scholar fabled golden efreeti boots legendary yeddahd's caduceus fabled royal trans;ucent ord legendary overflowing vessel of fyurn legendary t6 choas imbued hexdoll mastercraft braclet of the enlightened fabled empyreal braclet legendary coldwater ring of intelect fabled imbued pearl ring of int hoop of flames necklace of forgotten wishes legendary and whole nother set of fabled gear for raiding Characters Server: Venekor - Evil Characters Level: 50 Characters Class: wizard List Characters Equipment: t5 mastercrafted with 2 pieces of legndary, with alot of master spells/ and the rest adept3 Select the number of alts over Level 40: Latest Expansions Enabled: Kingdon of Sky the is good account has a lvl32 dirge on venekor/ 34 ranger on nagafen/19 warden on venekor all pvpd out Total Platinum 190000 Level 80 Male Iksar Monk on Oasis - Good Main Characters AA Points: 120 Describe Main Characters Tradeskills: Woodworking 22 Mine 27 Foresting 28 Describe Main Characters Houses: Kelethin Describe Main Characters Rewards: All veterans rewards Main Characters EQ2 Players Station Profile: Did You Provide EQ2 Players Station Profile Link: Yes Main Characters...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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