Features: Level: The account is one the highest level accounts currently on the server sitting at rank 27. It already has the level 59 cap for cultivation with 30 points for increased buffs and mobility. Sniper stance has been cultivated so that you do not lose move speed while using it. Also has anti-cc cultivated for helfire-salvo and helix blade. Equipment: All +10 gears with 3.5+ perfection on all pieces. All dungeon crafted except for main hand gun, chest, 1 ring, and pants. All level 50+ gear. Almost all have both mark slots activated with tier 3&4 marks. "Gyazo - 4c5590be02ebf2aaa9c3e7b0c4749b70.png" Crafting: Currently at 44 social level rank 11 in gunslinger bracket. Will be 40 soon. Very high level gathering and buff craft level. Lots of raw materials gathered and stored in bag for quick buffs. All level 10+ and has charcoal secret recipe unlocked. "Gyazo - fd51e68deaab4a0f31c21e83174c1338.png" Soulgrid: Well fleshed out soul grid. All level 4+ with a level 3 centerpiece. Very good and expensive to make. Pretty much maxed out unless you are super pay to win then you can get level 5 and a level 4 centerpiece. But pretty much completed soulgrid. "Gyazo - ade74397d0de125d753c0bbfebc6a525.png" Costumes Good assortment of costumes. "Gyazo - da96ec1c22991169cfc6356af35d7e96.png" Bagspace: Plenty of space. Inventory merchant also has a lot unlocked. "Gyazo - f11ef4b1c310893e199d04efd4ee22e4.png" Skills: Dead-eye shot is 70 percent upgraded and is almost level 10. Only 2 flight combat skills are still locked. "Gyazo - 43f8eabd453d05fc6110a0cb7f9cf049.png" PVP rank: Max rank in PVP. Has hit maximum valor and army coins since start of game. "Gyazo - b70671ca83ce46517f1b72e1625f82ab.png" Demonslayer rank: Max rank in Demonslayer. Has been maxed since start of game. "Gyazo - 67cdf898a6871a4454fd2180d704806d.png" Guild: The character has very high guild cultivation points. The guild the character is in is very strong and owns one of 3 fortresses in the server while one alliance partner owns the other. Please pm me for any questions about the account. I will still be playing on this account until it is sold. So it will improve. The account also has a dedicated boss hunting group for easy gearing and currency making. For someone who is new to the game I will offer whatever assistance is necessary for the player to get used to the account.