Account Stats/Details: USA Username: dj@3 515 Million Fame Earned. 6mil + sc's + diamonds in Piggybank. 89k+ Starcoins. 550+ Diamonds. Rare clothing. Rare eyes. Rare D-pack items. Rare D-packs. Rare D-pack pets. Plenty of pets. Pixel Set, Ink set, Drip set. & so much more! Want instant fame, and to be rich? Well, this is for you! Got questions? Discord: NotPorter#8909 or Email ( [email protected] ).
Please note: The price is high due to how much stuff is actually on this account, how much time I have spent with this account since 2012 - 2020, and how much i've spent on this account. This is an OG MSP Account!
Your account is extremely suspicious, has existed for less than a month, and this same account (presumably) was marked as sold by an account named "Porter01" less than 2 months ago... why? Also, the account supposedly earned 65 million fame in the past 2 months. Buyer beware.
Yeah, the buyer didn’t even pay me for my account. Artbooks, and movies get you fame. I lost my account password for my old account “Porter01”, quit jumping to conclusions if you know nothing about it. Only reason I’m high risk is because I put my email in my bio above. Anything else you think you know? I don’t scam. I’d beware of people like you. But, all well.
I’d like to but the account, will you provide a new email/password so the new owner can switch it out later and have full control of the account?