Main Characters Server: EU Main Characters Paragon Level: 100 Main Characters Gender: Male Main Characters Total DPS: 220 Main Characters Total HP: 50 Main Characters Total Resistance: 500 Main Characters Equipment (Describe): I have good crafted amu,bracers,shoulders (the gloves are 3-fecta - att speed ,CD,CC +220 dex , 80 AR),Belt-Witching hour + vit 40; AR-78,Weapons - Rare -1080 DPS- SOCK ,LS,CD; WKL -800 DPS,SOCK,LS; Nat Ring ( life,armor,cc -5.5%) + Nat Boots + Vit and 190+ dex; Main Characters Skills (Describe): Build I use is: FoT:Thunderclap;Mantra of onviction - Overwave;Blinding flash -faith in the light;Sweeping wind - Cyclone;Fists of fury - blazing fists;Wave of light Passives - your choice Main Characters Stats (Describe): 2600+ Dex,5.5% CC,2.40Attacks per second,5k Armor,500 All res, 7 Pickup radius,500% CD Total Elite Kills: 55000 Total Lifetime Kills: 1322000 All Other Assets (Describe): I have also wizard -15 para - 140k DPS and WD - 8 para - 120k dps Select the number of characters over Level 20: Other Games Attached to Battle Account: Additional Information Total Currency Email Address cscott17@cox